Circle of Life
You’re Invited to Join the Center’s Circle of Life
The Circle of Life is a special group of supporters who are an unstoppable force in the fight against bigotry and the struggle to build a better and more welcoming world for LGBT people.
You can join this group when you leave a gift in your will, trust, or other account for the Center. And when you do, championing and supporting LGBT people everywhere becomes a core value of your life.
Please let us know if you’ve named the Center in your estate plans. We’d like to recognize you for your generosity and commitment and we’ll acknowledge you for making this commitment by welcoming you into the Circle of Life.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, if you have any questions about setting up your legacy gift or if you need any additional information. We’re here to help. Thank you for your generous support!
View Circle of Life Members
In recognition of their commitment to the ongoing work of the Los Angeles LGBT Center, we honor the Founders and Members of the Circle of Life.
In planning their estates, these donors have joined together to create a living legacy of hope for coming generations of LGBT people. Founders have made commitments of $1,000,000 or more.
Circle of Life Founders
Michael Becker
John S. McDonald and Robert W. Wright
Alan J. Paull
William H. Shaw
Ed Slough
Barry Solof, M.D. and David Salyer
Stephen R. Warner and Vincent A. Turano
Circle of Life Members:
Bruce M. Abrams, Esq.
Lane Adams and Richard Savage
David Adelman
Kenneth M. Alford
Bernard F. Alfs
Claire N. Alger
Elenore Alickman
Pat Allen
Denise C. Alpine and Katherine Wolfe
Michele W. Andelson
James M. Andre and Paul A. Kellogg
Anonymous (15)
Michael D. Arden
Tess Ayers and Jane A. Anderson
Gwendolyn H. Baba
W. Lee L. Bailey, M.D.
Fred Balch
Paris Barclay and Christopher Mason
Amanda Barge and John Barge
David M. Barrett and Mark Peters
Margaret Barrett-Elfering
Lewis S. Baskerville
Greg Basser and Kiera O’Neill
David E. Beaulieu
Joseph Becci and Mark Denton
David L. Beckerman and David D. Wexler
Neil Beecher
Stuart H. Bell and Allen Bell
Ernie Benson
Robert J. Bentley and Gary A. Rado
David M. Benz
Victoria Berck and Joan Denson
Rhona J. Berens and Jennifer Berens
Robert P. Bergstein and Raul C. Cobian
Stacy A. Berlin, Psy.D. and Theresa A. Fitzgerald, D.C.
Arthur H. Bernstein
David Beugen
Neil A. Big
Scott W. Binder, M.D. and Jeffrey S. Seeger, Ph.D.
William H. Bingham
Malcolm J. Blue
Steven M. Boggs
Michelle C. Bonilla
David M. Booher and Steven Milam
Gary Booher
Colin Booker
Barbara Boruff
James Bowers
LuAnn Boylan
J. Lynne Boylan
Danny W. Bozarth
Don Bozick
Robert Emslie Bracken and George Thomas Applegate
R. David Bradshaw
Paul Brewer
Joyce L. Briscoe and Shirley A. Hill
Benjamin Britt
Alex Brod
Mark R. Brower
Josh Brown
Leo Brown
Tad Brown and Jonathan Daillak
Richard M. Bryant
Bernard Buchanan, M.D.
Jordan N. Budd
Orin L. Burgess and Robert J. Brehler
Sue Burnside
Edward J. Butorac and Paul R. Kaiser
Denis R. Cagna and Carlos Medina
James B. Cain and Tom Teves
Robert J. Campbell and Webb Huang
Thomas Carmichael
Gary A. Carnow and Barry I. Soroka
Eleazar Carrasco, M.D.
Wayne Case
Brian Casentini and Brian Siegel
Kerry Castillo
James J. Castranova
Ronald A. Cavallo
Tommy Chambers and Todd Kusy
John Chaney
Tek Chong
John Christofferson
James T. Clarkson
Pamela A. Clifford and J. Lorrie Webb
Helen J. Cohen
Ruben Colazzo
Richard B. Colbert and Kenny Taylor
Ronald Comer and Darryl Ingram
Ken Coon and Michael L. Miller
Andrae Corrigan and Tigerlily Rosen
Clive R. Costley
Angela M. Courtin
The Honorable Scott R. Crawford
Mykel and Jeffrey Crerie
Alva L. Crist
Luis Cruz
David B. Cruz and Steven B. Greene
Bryan L. Dahlgren
Bruce Davidson and Quang Nguyen
Rick Davis and Barry Ward
Kristopher Davis
Gil Dawson and Philip Zurfluh
Jennifer L. Dawson
Peter Day
Christine A. Dean and Rose C. Veniegas, Ph.D.
Daryl Dean and David Woodard
James Thomas Deighton
Kenneth Delalcazar
Brian C. Dent
Martin L. DeWitt
Diane Digenova
Mark Dizik, Ph.D. and John R. Oden
Stephen H. Dolainski
Patrick L. Dominguez
Ann M. Donahue
Patrick T. Doonan and Paul Thompson
Arlene Drake, Ph.D.
Paul Drooks
Matthew E. DuBois
George A. V. Dunning and Robert M. Marino
M. Max Eckert and Robert Amarante
Jennifer D. Ehrman and Faith Ehrman
David Eidenberg, Psy.D. and Sam Watters
Robert P. Elliott
Melinda Elmer
Travis Emery
Dan Feder and DonBacigalupi
Keith William Endersen
Scott E. Schwimer
William J. Escalera and Francisco George
Ray Espino
Christopher M. Evans
Kathryn E. Falberg and Monique Predovich
William Dirk Farasey
William D. Farnum and J. A. Benitez
Julian Cervantes Farrar
Daniel E. Fast, M.D. and Thomas E. O’Brien
William G. Feaster
Gary Felgemaker and Jim Hill
Robert J. Ficklin
Stephen Fields and Sims Brannon
Joshua David Fielstra
Lillene Fifield
Richard E. Fiock and Diego Castrejon
Christopher Q. Fink
Jeffrey A. Fischer and James G. Van Beek
Wendy Fischler
Mike Fish
Robin Fish
Alan Fisher, M.D.
Regan Fisher
Van Fletcher and Charles S. Paul
Michael Fleming
Suzanne Flores
Gabriel Flores, Ed.D.
Anna M. Flynn
John Frenzel
Tomas Fuller and William D. Kelly, M.D.
David W. Gajda and Jose Malagon
Mark Galanty
Gilbert T. Galvan
Joseph T. Garcia
David H. Gardner
Robin and James Gardner
Rick Garman
Patricia A. Gasior and Trisha Yamato
Oscar R. Gaspar
Lisa L. Gates and Elenore J. Alickman
Alvan R. Gendein, M.D.
Phillip Gerson
Russ Gething
Thomas A. Giancoli II
Irene Girgis
Garrett N. Glaser and Bill Schneider
Frances L. Glenn
Leslie Glick
Alexandra Glickman and Gayle Whittemore
Terry S. Gock, M.D.
Robert Gomez
George A. Gonzalez and Michael Schidlowski
Eric A. Gordon
Ronald L. Gordon
Stanley S. Gordon, M.D.
Bob Gotham and Mike Manuel
Andrea K. Goto and Kelly P. Lynch
Rodney Gott
Edward Grant and Jon Hall
John Green and Chris Spry
Raymond B. Gregory and Eric Ornelas
Harold Gunn and Kelly Strader
Louis Mangual
James P. Haley
G. Scott Halloran and Peter J. Rusch
Clark Hallren and Kenneth R. Wilson
Will Halm, Esq. and Marcellin Simard, M.D.
Nicolas Hamatake and Kenneth Mariash
James Hamilton and Ray Paolantonio
Roy Hamilton
Robert W. Hanna, Ph.D.
The Honorable Dean Hansell
Holly Hanson and Sophie Hanson
Karen Harbaugh
Rodger F. Hargear
Roy Haugen
Steven R. Hawkins and Charles Snell
Peter A. Hayashida and Michael Olman
Randall J. Hayden
Robert Mark Hemphill and Scott Schrader
Alan Heppel and Michael Lyons
Alan S. Hergott and Curtis F. Shepard
Librada Hernandez and Mary R. Power
Ramon Hinman
Ron Hitchcock
Todd K. Holland and Scotch E. Loring
Kevin T. Holliday and John F. Dilazzaro
Mike J. Holtzman
Leslie Ann Hope
Adele and Jennifer Hoppe-House
Michael Horn, M.D.
Michaeljohn Horne and Tom E. Jones
Bethany Horner
Scott D. Hunt
John Hurter
Michael Hyman
Robert G. Jacobsen
Kenneth W. Jamison
Peter Jandula-Hudson and Michael V. Hudson
Daniel J. Jbara
Lorri L. Jean and Gina M. Calvelli
Frank M. Johnson
Jack A. Jones
Thomas Jones
Robert K. Jurkowski and Steven C. Carnine
Denny B. Kagasoff
David A. Kale
Eugene Kapaloski
Laurence M. Kaplan
Teri Kaplan and Barbara Marx
Barry Karas and Bruce Green
Fred S. Karger
Hilmar S. Karlsson and Jose G. Camacho
Laura A. Karpman and Nora Kroll-Rosenbaum
Jonathan A. Kaufman and John Rail
Keith G. Kauhanen, M.D. and Jim Petrone
Adam Z. Kawalek, M.D.
Steven J. Kay
James S. Keagy
Kevin M. Kennard
Jim Key
Roger G. Keys
Robert H. King
Chad Kiengsiri
Danielle F. Knight
Marki J. Knox, M.D. and Suzanne C. Brown
David Kobosa and Frank Maurer
Kwock Koe, M.D.
Neil Koenigsberg
Kevin Kolanowski
Alexander Koleszar
Dino Koutsolioutsos
Barbara Kroll and Ruth Spielman
Nicolas J. Labedz
Linda Lack, Ph.D.
Andrea Laguni
Chris Laib
Brad D. Lamm and Scott G. Sanders
Elisa Laris
Charles A. Larson, Esq.
John T. Latimer and Benjamin Squire
Jim Lawrence
Bernard “Marc” Leger and Neil Williamson
Carol E. Leifer and Lori J. Wolf
Paul D. Lerner and Stephen Reis
Scott E. Lewis
Ron Lieber
Andrew Z. Linsky
James Lipsett, M.D.
Robert Loos and John Ventantonio
Robert A. Loving
Cary A. Lowe and Allan Ames
Arthur E. Macbeth
Valerie Madden
Thomas E. Madigan
Fred Madjar and Arthur E. Dennis
Richard Maggio
Susan M. Maher and Carolyn D. Norman
Sunne Mahood
Richard M. Manion and William R. Coleman
Robert Margouleff
Fred C. Martin, M.D.
Eric Marvel
Ronald H. Matsen-Wing, M.D. and Bruce Matsen-Wing
Ella Matthes
Roy M. Maule
Stephen Seiferheld May and Edward B. Casson
Mark McAlister
Barry McCabe
Norman C. McClelland
Garrett McClure
William J. McDermott
Edward F. McKitrick
Gary S. Meade and Rummel Bautista
Bill Melamed Jr.
Jeff Melnick
Mark M. Meltzer
Jorge D. Mendez
Nicholas Mendoza
Norman Merino
Paul J. Merrill
W. B. Messinger
Sharen Metz
David Meyers
William Mir
Marcy Miranda
David B. Mixner
David Mizener and Arturo Carrillo
Kelley Mobley and Maureen Gant
Anil Mohin, M.D. & John A. Scholz
William P. Moore
Tony Moore and Jerry Gaudlitz
Ben Morisch
Gordon S. Morris
Zach Mullaney
Michael D. Mullen
Jonathan Murray and Harvey Reese
Alice J. Myers
Robert G. Nankin, M.D.
Peter M. Nardi, Ph.D. and Jeffrey Chernin
Kenneth L. Navran
Randall Neece and Joe Timko
Frederick O. Nelson
Charles Nicholson
Nicholas E. Nicoletti
Kenneth Norman
Barth Z. Norton and Tim Ferguson
Terrence K. O’Brien
Quentin O’Brien and Kenneth G. Blakeley
Michael Oard and Ron Attrell
Dennis R. Odums
Jay Olson
Peter O’Neill and Humberto Gonzalez
Dan Ortiz
Loren Ostrow, Esq. and Brian Newkirk
Vicki Pacifico
George Y. Pao and George A. Schulman
Peter Parisi
James Parker
John Parker
Rick Parks
Spero Pastos
Russell L. Patrick
Alan J. Paull
Michael Love Peace
Rob Peralta
Robert Perdue and John Zimmerman
Ernesto Perez
Robert Perkins
Mark S. Perzely
Brent M. Petersen
James A. Phillips and Gerald Orcholski
Patricia D. Phillips
Barbara Pierce, Ph.D.
Philip Pierce, Ph.D.
Douglas Pollock
Frank Pond
Michael Popwell
Brenda R. Potter
Mark Z. Powell, M.D. and Ike Mendoza
Bernard S. Prosise
Arturo Puertos, M.D.
Lynn A. Rabin
Michael W. Rabkin and Chan B. Tom
Jim Rayton
Ian Renner
Medel Reyes
Matthew Michael Rhodes
John H. Richette
Curtis Ringness and Barry Ralph
Thomas G. Rogillio II
David L. Rose
Marion Rosenberg
Michael A. Ross
Amy A. Ross
Gregory A. Ross and John P. Schuning
Anita May Rosenstein
Sheila F. Roth
Stephanie Roth
Joel Rothschild
Jim Rudolph and Gonzalo Herrara-Rudolph
Marilyn A. Ruebling
John H. Ruggles
Jeffrey W. Russell
Larry R. Ryan, M.D. and Jay Singer
Joel Safranek
Ken Saft
Robert M. Saltzman
Dakota Sands, M.S.W.
Arlene Sanford and Devra Lieb
Jason L. Sanford
Dennis H. Sapire, Ph.D. and Tarwin Onketpon
Steven T. Schleier
Neil Schram, M.D. and David Taylor
James A. Schultz and Mitchell Matsey
Robert D. Schwartz, M.D. and Herluf Kanstrup
Arthur Scotti
Neil Scuram
John Sealy, M.D.
Brad W. Seiling
Lowell R. Selvin and Gilbert C. Winebar
Elliott R. Sernel and Larry Falconio
Alan M. Shafer and David J. Doyle
William H. Shaw
W. Donald Shaw
Paul J. Sheehan and Larry Sprenger
S. Shepherd
Cindy Shopoff and William Shopoff
Eric M. Shore and Charles F. Paul
Paul Simon
Lisa Simonetti and Robin Jenkins
Susan A. Simons
Nellie A. Sims
Karen Siteman
Ed Slough
Stephanie B. Small
Barbara E. Smallwood and Maura Geoghegan
Julian A. Smariga
Christopher A. Smith and James K. Zimmerman
George D. Smith and Leston C. Buell
Steven C. Smith
Zachary D. Smith and Virginia L. Thorson
Barry S. Solof, M.D. and David A. Salyer
Mason A. Sommers, Ph.D.
Alan Spano
Richard Stanley
Gregory Stanton
Frank D. Stasio
Greg Steele
Jack Stellato
John F. Stephens
Jean Stephenson
Dennis Strum
Timothy L. Sulka
Kathleen Sullivan and Rebecca Levison
Jim Sutton
Bert Swartz and Glenn Wagner
Richard Tadeo
Charles J. Taylor
Hannah Theile, Ph.D. and Kenna Love
Sara J. Thomas
James Thommes, M.D.
Daniel Tietz
James C. Torrance, Jr. and Ian G. de Freitas
Patricia Trocino
Kevin Trudgeon and Stuart Ross
Bridget Trumpet
Kevin Tvedt
Alberto Uribe
Ron C. Vacchina
Gary P. Venet
The Verdon Haight Trust
The Vergona and DeLoretta Trust
Bruce Vilanch
Stephen Gerard Volz
Lee Wallace
Kevin D. Walter
Adam Waring and Don Cummings
James L. Watson and Ike Llioputaife
Conrad E. Webb, Jr. and Gilles C. Wheeler
Tad R. Webster
Len Wechsler
Gary Weinstein
James D. Weinstein
Steven J. Weissman, Esq. and Daniel H. Bowers, M.D.
Wes Wheadon, O.D.
James Blair White
Robert A. White
John B. Whitley
James C. Whitten
Christopher Wienke
Doris Williams
Frank H. Williams
Scott E. Williams and Peter Ray
Beverly Winters
David R. Wood
Mike Worner and Marc Harnly
Kenneth Wright
Richard L. Wulfsberg, M.D.
Steve Yeager
Harriet Zaretsky
Mary Zeiser
Chris Zeller
Mark A. Zellers
George P. Ziemer
Circle of Life Founders, In Memoriam:
Clarence E. Anderson
Donald Beavis
Lubelle Boice
Martin D. Burley
Wilma E. Burley
Kennith H. Burns
John S. Cambouris
Duke Comegys
Robert DeSpain and Dan Weinstein
Raymond C. Geyer and John B. Welch
Emily l. Gochis
Edward S. Gould
Dennis J. Lynch
M. Richard Sousa
Gordon D. Strube
Circle of Life Members, In Memoriam:
Jonathan Ahearn
Raymond Aleman and George Cooper
Leon Alexander
Howard J. Amsterdam
Arlen H. Andelson
Steven M. Apfelbaum
Ray BarkerDiane Barrett-Elfering
Robert F. Barron
Sheila S. Becker
Ester F. Bentley
Richard Berger Frances
Joseph Block, M.D.
Richard M. Bobb
John-Kelly Bray
Albert Busendorfer
Jerome C. Byrne
John Cambouris
Kenneth Carmichael
Luke W. Chang
Robert L. Clark
Jeff E. Cohen
Michael P. Colefax
June Cooper
Edward V. Costanzo
Raymond D. Cox
William R. Dawson
Robert DeSpain and Dan Weinstein
Paul E. Des Marais
Ernest R. Dewsnap
Paul E. Diener
E.H. Duncan Donovan
Bud Douglas
Patrick K. Doyle
J. Douglas Elliott, Ph.D.
Michael H. Epstein
Darryl Farrar
Edward A. Feilbert
Michael Filerman
Michael R. Filippone
Paul Findlay
Art Flores
Walter Franks
Gregory Ganci
Peter E. Geissler
Raymond Geyer and John B. Welch
Walter Goldstein
James S. Gordon
Robert C. Gould
Shirley H. Gould
Donald Grandy
William Graysen, Esq
Jered E. Green
Thomas E. Greenan
Rose I. Greene
Michael Greenstein
Jeff Griffith
Frederick T. Guckenberger
Carl R. Gustafson
Jack Hale
Robert H. Halff
Frank Galassi and Scott Hamilton
Kenneth P. Hahn
Edwin A. Handler
James Hanshumaker
Gordon Hanson
Kermit E. Hartley
Ronald L. Hawkins, Ph.D.
Jack Haynie
Thomas M. Herrera
Blain D. Hightower
Ron Hills
R. Scott Hitt, M.D.
M. Dale Holland
Martin J. Holmes
Steven L. Hughes
Richard L. Jackman
Marc Janvier
Gary Kalkin
Robert K. Keagy
Carl E. Kelly, Ph.D
Marshall L. Kendzy
Frank G. Ker
Daniel S. Kerr
James A. Kimball
William Kitchen
Fred Klemz
Karl Kleinz
Steven R. Kolzak
Robert Krasnow, M.D.
Gabe W. Kruks
Nicholas Labedz
Lucille Lemmon
Joseph A. Levy
Charles H. Lewis
Ralph Renard Lewis
Lionel B. Levin, M.D. and Gale Lee Reynolds
Ernest Lieblich
Lawrence Linn
John J. Lipsky
J.D. Lydick
John L. Lyons
Royd J. Mahowald
Harry R. Major
Ella Mathes
Que Mars
Edward J. Mausser Jr.
Theodore L. McEvoy, Ph.D.
C. Pete McKenney
Robert McQueen
Michael P. McShane
Paul Menke
John E. Milbauer
Brian J. Miller, Ph.D.
Daniel A. Moeller
Ralph E. Moore
Ralph Moritz
Samuel H. Morris
Ronald Morrison
Donald H. Moseley
Alan Needham
Owen D. Neighbour
James B. Newton
Florian Novak
Robert P. O’Connor
Paul Odebrecht
Rodney Page
John L. Parks
Kenneth Pavlick
James L. Peatross
Frank J. Pfizenmayer
Charles R. Pollock
Geri Pranger
David H. Presser
James Prideaux
Reid T. Rasmussen, M.D.
Kevin P. Reilly
Daniel H. Renberg
Vern Richards
W. J. Richardson
Victor Robinson
Eric Rofes
Michael Rogers
Robert B. Sampliner
Keith Schaeffer
Henry Louis Schlarman
Grenville M. Scott
Bert Sexton
Charles Shackelford
Arthur W. Shepherd
Robert “Cal” Shively
Angel Silva
Jeffrey Skorneck
Bob R. Smith
Ruth W. Spiegel
Robert Stacey, M.D.
Edma C. Stage
Irving Stein
Jean Stephenson
James M. Stern
Clay Stevens
David W. Streets
Harry E. Strider
Richard A. Stulgaitis
Ken Stump
John Stuteville
Henry G. Supka
David Susky
Linda Swenson
Swen Swenson
Aaron Tallent
Benjamin E. Teller, M.D.
Robert N. Tenney
Deborah A. Thompson
Mark Thompson and Malcolm Boyd
Richard Tirrell
Thomas C. Towse
Edward L. Troth
Park Wayne Wagers, M.D.
Philo W. Van Wagoner
Richard P. Wagner, M.D.
George R. Walker
Leroy S. Walker
Robert B. Ward
Earl David Wasserman
Donald E. Watson
Dorothy J. Watson
Eric D. Weber
Jay G. Wehrfritz, M.D.
Frederick R. Weisman
James L. Welch
Alex B. Wexler
Lon Weyland
Orlin Wheeler
Charles L. White
Robert S. White
Charles H. Whitebread
Kenneth L. Wiederhold
Bernard P. Wiesen and Don Roberts
George R. Wilcox
Gregory H. Willenborg
William G. Wilkins
Donald L. Williams
Christopher John Williams
Ethel Wisner
Raymond B. Zelenka
Stuart A. Zinn
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The Impact of Your Giving
Provides 10 meals for an unhoused youth.
Supports an LGBT senior's medical and mental health initiatives for a year.
Given via your will, trust, or by beneficiary designation could secure your legacy for the LGBT community.